Supreme Hand Control: XD Cell!

What’s up Ballerz?! Today we’re going to look at a deck I’ve been running for a little while that I’ve been really enjoying! if you like doing essentially nothing and taking your opponents from 8-0, but don’t have a victory strike, this is for you. The decklist can work with any Cell Leader, and itsContinue reading “Supreme Hand Control: XD Cell!”

4th Place DBSL Upper Hand Tournament

What’s up ballerz?! Today we’re going to talk about my experience at the Canadian DBS tournament last weekend. I’ll talk about the tournament first then a little farther down talk about my list and playlines. I wanted to edit my list to side deck anti-dark broly cards, which I realized after the fact, but IContinue reading “4th Place DBSL Upper Hand Tournament”

Draw 2: With Broly Healing Pod!

Whats up Ballerz!? I have been brewing a ton of jank decks over this COVID-19 situation. Here is one of my favourites. It uses the Surge Broly Leader and Frieza Army Healing Pod with some nasty results! Learn how to blow your opponent’s away with massive advantage!!/deck/288737Full Disclaimer: I have since switched out 1Continue reading “Draw 2: With Broly Healing Pod!”

News: Set 9 Buu and the art of the Turn 2 KO!

Whats up BallerZ?! Continuing my articles on Turn 2 Kills, here is a little something I cooked up with the new Bibidi/Buu Leader and Engine! It uses a much more compact Majin Buu Chain, some Turles, the Unstoppable Ghost Warrior, and a LOT of luck. First off, let’s discuss the strategy as regards to theContinue reading “News: Set 9 Buu and the art of the Turn 2 KO!”

News: Set 9 Gohan and the Art of the Turn 2 Knock Out!

For now, let’s look at how you can win with the new Gohan in 3 turns or less! And the best thing is, the deck is ON BUDGET!

My Top 40 Chicago Regionals Deck [or, How to Get an Invite with Spice]

Whats up Ballerz!? Haven’t made a post in a while due to demands at work and prep for regionals, needless to say I tested a bunch of lists and ended up deciding the SD Super Baby 2 was the way to go. I got 40th at 4-2-1, but my only draw was when we wentContinue reading “My Top 40 Chicago Regionals Deck [or, How to Get an Invite with Spice]”

How to Tell Baby that it is Nap Time:

Whats up Ballerz!? So with Zen-Oh Button banned, how do we deal with the terrifying monster that is all-flavours of Baby Decks? Check out some Leaders and Counter- cards that I would consider if I was struggling against Baby instead of playing it.

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