News: Set 9 Gohan and the Art of the Turn 2 Knock Out!

Whats up Ballerz?!

There has been a lot of recent reveals, unfortunately nothing too inspiring, though I may do a Frieza Clan post in the future. For now, let’s look at how you can win with the new Gohan in 3 turns or less! And the best thing is, the deck is ON BUDGET!

Ok! So there he is. The goal is to flip as soon as you can, that way you have access to three triple strikes! The deck plays out in 2 phases, with the aim of winning or losing on turn 2/3.

Phase 1: Gohan’s Awakening

We aren’t playing dual colours in this deck. You need to be as efficient as possible with your energy, and need to take 2-3 life on the first turn you can attack.

These are your self-awakeners. I’d honestly recommend 3-4 of each. Ideally, you can play a card with “Critical” to deny your opponent a draw.

Turn 1/2: Charge a GREEN or YELLOW. It is imperative to charge a yellow either 1st turn or 2nd turn. You want to play card to take your life. Be it Demigra, Black Masked Saiyan, etc. If you go first, just play the card (or a “Planet Vegeta” to find one) and you pass. If you go second, play the card, attack, swing with your leader, take 2 life, and restand. You want to be at 5 life on your first attacking turn. If you go first, it isn’t as big of a deal and you can be at 6 life (you will have 3 energy on your kill turn). You want your opponent at 5-6 life at this point. (ideally 6).

Phase 2: Father-Son Kamehameha!

On your second attacking turn (T2/T3) is when you go for game. Note that in the event you play against an aggro leader, combo out of some swings if you can, otherwise you have no fear about getting to 4 life, you just don’t want to be at 3 or less.


Step 1: Mulligan for these cards or play Planet Vegeta on Turn 1 to find Caulifla. She wins you the game. You want to play her when your opponent is on 2 energy. Your first action is to play the Caulifla, take a life, and tap down one of your opponent’s energy. They will either have to counter-play Caulifla, or they are down to 1 energy (they should have 5-6 life from your turn 1 attacks).

Step 2: Attack with your leader, you should be on 4-5 life. Take 1-2 life to restand so you are at 2 or 3 life. Awaken (If your leader skill is negated, do the same thing, except awaken as you will have already restood and attack again). Untap a green energy, and draw. Use your green energy to play “Feet Kamehameha”. Activate battle on your leader skill to take a life and gain +10K and triple strike for the duration of the turn. This is a 40K triple strike critical swing. I would not combo on it. Your opponent will have to drop their hand to stop it, if they can, at which point I would probably just pass turn. They will likely take it.

Step 3: Your opponent should now be at 2-3 life, and you should have a 25K triple strike leader in active mode. Swing again with your leader. Combo everything and win the game. If it is negated or you somehow don’t have the combo power, restand with your leader skill and swing one final time. If it is negated again, you should have 2-3 battle cards on board, and your opponent should have 1-2 life remaining. Swing with them and pray!

That is how I intend to build this Gohan deck. Other than 4x copies of everything I mentioned (including Planet Vegeta) and 4x Super Combos (ideally Paragus), that is the deck! Run whatever your want for the rest (I would consider Fasha, Deluge of Power, Dynasty Son Goten, sparking negates, and free Kale blockers for the mirror match).

Hope you enjoyed my article, please comment if you have any questions or let me know what you think! If you like it, let me know, I can post a custom deck list, and maybe a play video. Until then, keep ballin’!

EDIT: Due to popular demand, here is a rough deck link of what I would consider. Would strongly consider swapping some self awakeners or extra cards for overrealm.!/deck/267549

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