My Experience At Carta Magica’s Masters Division, Oct 18/20 with Dark Broly!

What’s up Ballerz?! I played Dark Broly in the Oct 18/20 Carta Magica webcam tournament and got 5th/120. I’ll do a later post on how I got to my list, how it evolved, etc. For now I’m just going to talk about my matches, tournament preparation, and pros/cons of webcam games. My List/Locals players!/deck/340553Continue reading “My Experience At Carta Magica’s Masters Division, Oct 18/20 with Dark Broly!”

Ballin’ on a Budget: 2nd at CFB Event with a $40.99 Pilaf Deck!

What’s Up Ballerz?! Today I’m going to be discussing the budget Pilaf deck I piloted to 2nd place in the CFB (Channel Fireball) webcam event. Hilariously, my only loss was to a Pilaf deck (Piloted by Robert, who is an excellent player). Event was held on Sept 19, 2020 with 30 participants from all overContinue reading “Ballin’ on a Budget: 2nd at CFB Event with a $40.99 Pilaf Deck!”

Set 10 Synergy: Shadow Token Zamasu!

What’s up Ballerz!? Want to re-enact the coolest arc in Super? Want to swarm with blocker-tokens while grinding down your opponent’s resources? I have a neat deck for you! The Decklist Check the decklist out at DBS-Decks:!/deck/329794 Essentially, we are running a token generation/ramp deck. The goal is to end the game on yourContinue reading “Set 10 Synergy: Shadow Token Zamasu!”

Milling Out: With Android 18!

Whats up Ballerz?! Today I’m going to be talking about a super defensive deck I piloted to a win at an (unofficial) local tourney prior to Unison expansion release. It does use Draft Box and Champ Pack cards, but I included non-draft options in the side deck that can easily be swapped out and remainContinue reading “Milling Out: With Android 18!”

Draw 2: With Broly Healing Pod!

Whats up Ballerz!? I have been brewing a ton of jank decks over this COVID-19 situation. Here is one of my favourites. It uses the Surge Broly Leader and Frieza Army Healing Pod with some nasty results! Learn how to blow your opponent’s away with massive advantage!!/deck/288737Full Disclaimer: I have since switched out 1Continue reading “Draw 2: With Broly Healing Pod!”

Set 10 Synergy: Future Trunks

What’s up Ballerz?! Some exciting new Set 10 reveals have taken place, and I’m going to do a series breaking down the synergy and combos of my favourite archetypes! Today I’m going to talk about Blue Trunks! (Zamasu is just too big for me!) I’ve included a sample decklist that uses most of the newContinue reading “Set 10 Synergy: Future Trunks”

Ramping Up: Beerus, God of Destruction Returns Strategy!

What’s up Ballerz?! I’ve seen a lot of posts recently about list building for the Beerus Returns leader, and thought I’d share my red/blue list and some points of strategic consideration. While I understand the popular way to build the list is green/blue, I simply find it too restrictive and don’t like ramping in restContinue reading “Ramping Up: Beerus, God of Destruction Returns Strategy!”

Redneck Ruckus! Android 13: Deck Construction & Strategy

What’s Up Ballerz!? I’ve been lucky enough to find the perfect GIF to explain how it feels when your opponent is reduced to 0 cards in hand. I am going to talk about one of my favourite decks of the format, Android 13. I have been playing it a lot, and it is the firstContinue reading “Redneck Ruckus! Android 13: Deck Construction & Strategy”

News: Set 9 Buu and the art of the Turn 2 KO!

Whats up BallerZ?! Continuing my articles on Turn 2 Kills, here is a little something I cooked up with the new Bibidi/Buu Leader and Engine! It uses a much more compact Majin Buu Chain, some Turles, the Unstoppable Ghost Warrior, and a LOT of luck. First off, let’s discuss the strategy as regards to theContinue reading “News: Set 9 Buu and the art of the Turn 2 KO!”

Combo Strategy: How to Combo Efficiently

Whats Up Ballerz?! Time and time again, and even in videos, I see people comboing without efficiency. The reality is, learning how, when, and why to combo will dramatically increase your piloting skills. It does depend on the deck, but I’ll go through some basic strategy. The Basics In a battle, the guard card’s strengthContinue reading “Combo Strategy: How to Combo Efficiently”

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