Set 10 Synergy: Raditz, Brotherly Hate!

What’s up Ballerz!? Today we are going to take a look at my current r/g Raditz brew. Want to learn how to control your hand while blocking or deflecting attacks? Deter your opponent from comboing on you entirely? Granted, there’s 3-4 cards (1 ofs) that I still want to test with to see what I prefer, and you’ll see that in the list. Cards in the side are alternative options I’ve considering as well. Anyways, let’s get to it!

The List/Gameplay

To see the full list:!/deck/323713

To see the deck in action:

The Leader:

Our leader is Raditz/Raditz, Brotherly Hate; and boy, is he garbage. No draw, at all, not even when you Awaken. However, when Raditz attacks a leader (and only a leader…) he makes your opponent warp a card from their hand, this is very powerful in combination with other hand control and the Magnificent Collection card Raditz, Ruthless adversary. Raditz also has a ‘pseudo’ draw on his front that lets him search top 5 for a red or green Vegeta, Nappa, or Raditz card. That’s it. So if the deck looks janky, its because there is a bunch of targets. We need to hit targets to 1) thin the deck, 2) load your drop. I originally intended to run the leader with overrealm and drop-stacking cards, however after testing the Broly, Tragedy Foretold engine I really liked the synergy between Broly, Bardock, and Raditz’ hand hate. I typically take most hits, barring critical, until I am at 4 or 3 life. I want to stay on my front as long as possible to keep generating value from pitching cards and keep warping cards from my opponent’s hand.

The Broly Engine:

Our main engine in the deck is Broly, Tragedy Foretold. Essentially, the engine works like this. Broly, Tragedy Foretold is an absolutely busted arrival card that can only be played if Dormant Legend is in the drop. The reason for the Nappa supercombos and Raditz r/g in the deck is to pay the arrival cost with 1 card instead of two, though we are also running a red Vegeta negate that can be used for red. The big problem with Dormant Legend in the deck is that it can clog your hand. Thankfully, Raditz has a natural way to pitch cards in his hand with his activate main on the front side, letting you put Dormant Legend in the drop for ‘free’. Otherwise, if you have a red/green multicolour in your energy, Bulma, The Problem Solver’s cost gets reduced to 1, and when she is played she can dump Dormant Legend or another red or green extra card in the drop from your deck to draw 1. This gets you consistency with seeing Dormant Legend in drop, and you want to play cards that let you draw in this deck because your leader can’t find Broly with his search skill. Originally I was running a 3/2 split of Tragedy Foretold and Rapid Barrage, but recently went to 4/1. I might bump Rapid Barrage back to 2 if I can find some room in the future.

Unison Synergy

We run 4 unisons, SS Bardock Paternal Unison. Bardock is an excellent addition to Raditz’ game plan, but isn’t essential to win the game. Bardock has an auto skill that when your opponent combos, you can choose 1 card from their Combo Area and send it to the owner’s drop, then if you do you negate the skill for the turn. This is huge, because Bardock’s auto is optional. This means you can wait for the right card to send from the combo area to the drop, and you can use it on either player’s turn. In combination with his activate main +1, you can easily take 2 cards out of your opponent’s hand every turn. In a pinch, he has a -3 skill that can also help you when going for game. If you wanted to edit the list to include Unison searchers, I would suggest “Bulma, Life on Namek” as she can find 3 cost or less mono green saiyans which is the bulk of the deck. Newfound Power Gohan has excellent synergy with the Unison, as you can play him, self awaken, swing for 15k Critical, and if your opponent tries to combo out you can send the card to the drop area. Once you’ve swung with Gohan, you can then activate main with Bardock Unison to deny your opponent a ton of resources.

Warp Synergy

Now for the big ones, warp synergy. What makes this deck playable is Raditz, Ruthless Adversary. Ruthless Adversary lets you draw 1 for every 2 non-black cards in your opponent’s warp on play (terrible against Vegeks, sadly) or self awaken and KO a problematic 1 drop. Because of this skill, we want cards that synergize with warping your opponent’s cards such as Vegeta the Cruel, Remote Serious Bomb (or Xeno Goku, which I might replace RSB with but for Syn Shenron decks),and Raditz Arrival of the Invader. These cards double as utility techs for the deck, as Ruthless Adversary can be used by the Unison, Arrival of the Invader can be a free R/G arrival combo, and Vegeta the Cruel allows you to control your opponent’s board and hand.

The Mulligan:

On your opening hand, you want to see at least 1 R/G card to charge (ideally not your super combo), a Unison, Roshi, Dormant Legend, Broly, and Cell’s Kamehameha. Obviously you won’t get the ideal hand every time, so keep in mind the following:
-You want to charge R/G on T1 or T2
-It’s probably safe for you to put back all of your search top 5 targets (Raditz cards)
-You want something you can pitch with your activate main skill, be it Dormant Legend, Master Roshi, or a battle card you won’t worry about losing.
-Don’t put back Unisons or Broly cards, even if you pull 2. (At 3, you probably can).


Turn 1 you want to charge a multicolour, use your activate main skill, swing if applicable, and pass. On your activate main, look for either supercombos or Vegeta the Cruel.
Turn 2 on you want to charge mono green (Don’t charge red!), and keep building your drop. You can usually pass with all energy up to arrival or Vegeta the Cruel, or spend 1 for a raditz or bulma and sit on a Cell’s Kamehameha/shocking death ball for defense.
Turn 3, ideally you are at 4-5 life and you want to play your unison for 2 and a 1-cost. The reason we want to play the Unison a little later is it is more likely to be ignored by your opponent, and we want your opponent to swing at the Raditz leader for the first few turns to boost our hand size. Use the activate main with the Unison and remove the 1-cost card. If you don’t have a Unison, sit on energy for defensive plays.
Turn 4+ I usually will stop charging until my kill turn. We want our opponent awakened early as well. If they are, and Raditz isn’t awakened, I would swing at their leader with 10K Raditz to keep them warping cards without gaining advantage.Once your opponent is at 3 life, you want to start positioning yourself to take the game, either with Broly arrival swings, or a triple attack unison. If you have Focused Breakthrough, it is an excellent out to Toppo or other floodgate negates. You always want to save your awaken to use defensively, because tapping out could mean death. At this point, your opponent will probably have 4+ cards in warp, and I would also start playing Raditz Ruthless Adversary to out-advantage them and take the game.

That’s it. Hope you enjoyed my article. If you have any questions about other techs in the deck (R/G Vegeta and Trunks for searchable board clearing, for example) please feel free to let me know in the comments! ‘Till then, Keep Ballin’!

2 thoughts on “Set 10 Synergy: Raditz, Brotherly Hate!

  1. I really like this deck build. The synergy of all the warping cards, plus the spicy Broly tech is great. Raditz is definitely not a great leader, but you can definitely pull some surprise victories. Nice article!


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